Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Coffee Queen

     So, last night hubby took me to Best Buy to pick up a couple of things. We had originally discussed buying a new TV (50-60 inch) but couldn't find a TV stand that worked for us. Basically, it has to be tall enough that Noah can't reach the TV and have plenty of storage for PS3, controllers, DVD player etc. We ended up going ahead and buying a Keurig though and I am THRILLED with it. Basically, it's the easiest way to make coffee...put the k-cup in, close the lid and bam....your coffee is ready in less than 45 seconds. Hubby was pleased because this will drastically cut down on my Starbucks budget, lol...I won't even discuss how much I spend at that place every week. :-)
       It was great waking up this morning and seeing that setting on my table. *grin*  Can you tell my husband totally spoils me? I am so blessed. Anyways, it's off of here now to wake up Halebop. I think she would sleep all day if I let her. Have a wonderful day!!
PS...I am going to the hair salon this evening and getting something completely new...it's going to be super short. At least for me, because I don't think I've ever had my hair cut much above my shoulders...and I might chicken out on the haircut I want because it is pretty short. :-)  I will try to post pictures this evening or tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. SUPER excited about your haircut CANT wait to see pictures! Im feeling the need for a little change too....maybe we are more alike in our thinking than I imagined...but mine wont come till next week. Love you girl!
