Sunday, September 11, 2011

My Weekend

     We didn't win the big diamond yesterday but we did have an awesome time. The best way that I can describe it is "the amazing race" downsized to a two hour adventure. We received text messages telling us the destination, then were sent clues we had to solve at each location. The game was based on how many different locations you were able to make it to and how many of the clues you solved correctly. We earned 42 points and the winner had 101, so we weren't really in the ball park. :-)  Either way, it was a great way to spend some time together. Corned Beef and Co. hosted the after party so we got free food too, and lots of it; pizza, quesadillas, meatballs, chips and salsa, and the list goes on. 
     When we got back home, we headed out to Once Upon a Child to get the kids halloween costumes, which are ADORABLE!!! We picked out a bumblebee costume for Haleigh and a frog one for Bug. They were $11.00 total but I had a $5.00 off any item coupon, so the total came out to be $6.00 for both costumes; and Noah's was from Old Navy so I was pretty happy with that. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE that store? I spent $50 last week and got the kids fall and winter clothes, and that was like five-six outfits a piece. So yeah, it rocked. 
     Today hubby and the kids are out couponing because I was sick to my stomach again. :-(  I will be so glad to find out what is going on with my body. Caleb just called and said he was able to get $50 worth of stuff for $3 and got $12 in Extra Bucks back. He will use that money to buy the other items on our list, so we will actually only pay $3 for $70 worth of stuff today....he is so smart. :-)  Maybe I should hang out here more often and let him handle the sales; he does such an awesome job. I can't believe it but in the last six months we've saved over $1,000 at CVS, and almost $600 at Kroger. Sometimes I ask myself what took me so long to start using coupons. I might not have any debt right now if I had figured this out a lot sooner in life. :-)  
     Well, it's off of here to lay down and rest until this queasiness goes away. Hope everyone had a great weekend and has a wonderful Monday!


  1. ummm... Awesome!? How in the world did you get a coupon for once upon a child and how in the world did you get that good of deals there... I mean I know they are great but the one time I went for a serious shop there I spent around 50 dollars and that was just winter shirts for Trin last winter....


  2. If you go to the one out on Brambleton, they have a sign up sheet for their email list. If you put your email down, they will send you $5 off your next purchase!!! :-) And right now, they have a lot of red lined clothes, which makes them half price. Most of the pants I paid $5 or less for and most the shirts were $3 or less. I just make sure I have plenty of time to look around and leave the kids with Dad! :-)
