Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I'm Tougher than I Thought

     Yesterday I spent my afternoon at the dentist office getting a tooth pulled. I was more freaked out over that than I was getting my c-sections, although it turned out to not be as bad as I thought it would. The worst part of it all was being numb...only because I HATE that feeling. She prescribed Vicodin for the pain, but I haven't taken any only because I haven't really had much pain. I mean, yeah, it hurts, but nothing compared to healing from my c-sections, lol.  It was pretty awesome though, because when I got home, Caleb told me to take the evening off. I think my jaw hit the floor when he said that, only because I NEVER get to take any time off. That kind of isn't much of an option when you're a Mom. I sometimes get a break from the kids, but I never stop worrying about them...like I said, full time job. It was harder than I thought it would be. When he first told me I was soooooo excited. But then, after about an hour of laying down, I kept wanting to get up and check on the kids. I would hear Noah cry and I would leap up and run into the living room...where Caleb was already consoling him and giving him lots of cuddles. Eventually, I put my headphones on because that was the only way I could relax. I woke up feeling better today than I have in a long time. My mouth was really sore but I took a couple of Ibuprofen and I am as good as new. 
     When Caleb gets off work today, my parents are coming over. My Dad is going to help Caleb fix the car while Mom snuggles with her grand babies. In my opinion, one of the better ways to spend our time, haha. Well, I managed to get both of the kids down for their naps at the same time (a rare occasion) so I think it's off of here to straighten up and watch an episode of Life Unexpected. 

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