Monday, September 19, 2011

Little of This, Little of That

     Yesterday was horrible. I seriously couldn't wait until bedtime because both the kids pretty  much whined or screamed the entire day. I really felt sorry for Halebop because she is teething and the poor little thing just drools all over herself ALL DAY. I have to change her like 3-4 times a day because she soaks every outfit within a couple of hours. Noah, on the other hand, got spoiled at his grandparent's house this weekend (and I'm thankful he has such wonderful people in his life who love spoiling him) but it makes it hard when he gets back home. He whined about EVERYTHING all day long. And honestly, it was a bit frustrating. He knows how to "talk" now...or at least knows enough words to let me know what he needs or wants, but yesterday he refused to say any of them. Instead, he would point at something and whine...and let me just say this; I am NOT a fan of whining. Crying doesn't really bother me, because generally it means he is really frustrated over something, or doesn't feel well. Whining on the other hand just means he is being too lazy to use his words. And I'm not saying this goes for every child, but I know my little boy VERY WELL, and this is the case for him. 
      Today, though, I am determined is going to be MUCH BETTER. I am really hoping I can get the kids outside for a while because that really seems to help their attitudes. I can understand that, because whenever I'm stuck inside it pretty much drives me crazy. I love being in the outdoors, simply because it's relaxing and I don't feel so "closed in". But recently, it has just gotten so chilly; Noah does fine with it, but poor little Hales can't stand the cold, so I have to bundle her up in super warm clothes and a jacket (which she hates, lol). But I'm sure she will get used to it after a few days. I think I'm going to try to make a trip to the library this morning so Noah has some new books to read. He LOVES the own little English Major, haha. 
     Hope everyone has a great MONDAY.

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