Thursday, May 20, 2010

Four Months Old

     Yes, that's right! I can't believe it's here but Noah turns 4 months old tomorrow! He is already able to hold his head up completely on his own, can make the crawling motion when doing tummy time, can hold/grab and shake his toys, smile, and our favorite milestone this month....LAUGH! It was truly wonderful. I can't even begin to explain the pure joy that comes with hearing your baby laugh for the first time. *sighs*  It was so weird driving the other day...because all of a sudden I heard this constant stream of babbling and laughing from the backseat and it was just SO weird...because it's just something that takes you completely by surprise. Today we went to Garst Mill Park and took pictures to celebrate Noah turning four months old...which also gave us a chance to get out as a family, which we haven't had a lot of time to do lately with Caleb working all of this overtime! :-(  It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day and we all greatly enjoyed it! I can't believe how quickly time is passing by now that we have our beautiful little Noah Bug, but am thankful for each and every moment we're blessed with!


  1. I have been keeping up with your blog and I also am a new Mom to a little boy (2 months old). It is great to know that I'm not the only Mom who has days of frustration and moments of "how on earth do I get through this!" Just wanted to take a second to thank you for your thoughts...I have greatly enjoyed keeping up with your posts.

  2. I am so glad you have enjoyed it!!! :-) I always enjoy positive feedback, lol! Raising a little boy is going to be interesting, that's for sure...but I definitely can't wait! We both have so many wonderful, scary moments ahead of us...I think the potty humor scares me most, lol! :-) All comes with part of the package *grin* And congrats on becoming a's wonderful, but I guess I don't have to tell you that!
