Well, today was absolutely incredible! I woke up this morning to Noah crying, as usual, but took it as him saying, "why, Happy Mother's Day, Mommy...thank you for always dragging yourself out of bed early in the morning to take care of me when you would really like to sleep in!!!" Then, Caleb got up after I had fed Noah his banannas and oatmeal, which has become his favorite thing to eat for breakfast, lol. They were so excited to give me my present and I was so excited to open it! *grin* So, I tear open the bag and there it is...MY BRAND NEW HD DIGITAL CAMERA!!! (which I totally needed because I accidentally dropped an opened package of baby wipes on my other one...and ruined the LCD screen when the liquid dripped on it!)
Then, we headed over to Grace Baptist and heard an awesome sermon on
The Prayer of Hannah's Heart, which was very uplifting, indeed! We visited Caleb's parents and gave them their present from Noah which is the same one we gave to everyone (pictures of his footprints, along with his actual footprints).
Then, we headed to my Granny Jones house where we got together with my Mom's side of the family and where yet again, Noah had an awesome time entertaining everyone, lol!
My Papa Jones with Noah Whately!
Granny and Papa Jones with Noah!
And then Caleb and I decided to be cute and take pictures of ourselves, lol! :-) I don't think we will ever stop acting like two people who just met and fell in love...and that's what I love about us!
I said he looked too "scrunchy"...and said "show your teeth"
We got this
Which he said "that was totally fake" and I said "you're Chandler from friends...I'm just going to have to face the fact that when there's a camera around, you get weird...then I laughed...because it was funny!"
Then, we headed back home where Mommy fooled around with her new camera, but got some pretty neat pictures out of it...and, I don't know why my blog chose to center everything...I tried fixing it, but gave up, because it got on my nerves and then decided I didn't really care anyways...quite random! :-)
Sooo....here we go!
Gotta love that smile! Even on the worst days...wow, it can just make you forget it all!
The shirt I made him wear...and that he immediately spit up carrots on! Sheesh!
Mommy is SOOOOO silly.
Looking sweet before IT happened.....
....and there it is! :-) Only a mom could enjoy a moment like this!
Tickling Noah with one of my roses from Daddy!
Noah comes from a family of chubby cheeked peoples...get used to it kid! :-) And no, the pinching DOESN'T stop!
My beautiful flowers from Daddy! :-) The next few pictures are just us being the silly people we are! No rhyme or reason...just enjoy!