Saturday, June 19, 2010

A Day At the Lake

     Yesterday we took Noah to the Lake for the first time. It was his first time being in water other than his bathtub. I was nervous all week about how he would do, because I knew that water was going to be cold. Well, I got him suited up, put his adorable little swimmers on, and lathered on the sunscreen...even put it in the poor little man's hair! :-)  I took him down to the water and sat him down in it; FIRST REACTION:  HUGE GRIN on his face and lots of splashing....and a huge sigh of relief from Mommy!  He's definitely going to be my little water baby and I couldn't be happier. We even bought him this cute little frog floaty, which was his favorite part of being the water....because he would just kick his legs and the float would move!  He got the biggest kick out of that!  I played with him for a while and then went and swam in the "big girl" water with my cousin Sara. I can't believe how well her swimming skills have improved since last summer...when she was petrified to even put her face near the water! You should see her now, though, she could have been born a fish...quite the little mermaid!
     For Father's Day Noah got Caleb a new cell phone, which I have already posted about. Then, we got him some new clothes which he was desperately been needing and went ahead and gave them to him so he could wear them for Father's Day!  This evening, we are taking him to the Home Place to eat dinner which we know he will be excited about because it is one of our favorite restaurants. Tomorrow morning we are getting up early and making Daddy breakfast in bed and letting him sleep in for a bit!  Busy weekend for Mommy and Noah, but a break for Daddy...but he definitely deserves it; he has been working really hard lately and needs a little bit of a break...and what better weekend to choose than this one?

A Letter To My Hubby:
     Thank you Caleb for being the best daddy in the world to our little Noah Bug!  I have to admit I worried quite often while I was pregnant, not because I thought you would be a bad Father, but because when it came to "baby stuff" you just hadn't been around it before. But let me tell you something, baby, it came natural  to you. I remember while we were in the hospital right after giving birth to Noah and you got so upset because you couldn't change his diapers very well but then a week later, you were a pro. Thank you for all the yucky diaper changes, especially this most recent one where that poor child managed to get it halfway up his back, his chest, and all over his clothes...I was REALLY thankful you were home to take care of THAT one. Thank you for getting up all those nights to feed him even when you were exhausted, because you wanted me to have the rest instead of you....that really made me cry more times than I like to admit. :-)  Thank you for the patience you have had with him...AND ME...through these teething issues. There have been days where I have felt like throwing in the towel, but then you call me and tell me you love me and you'll be home soon, and that somehow gets me through the rest of the day. I love our precious little boy more than I thought it possible to ache with love, even. I sometimes look at him and burst into tears, for no reason other than I know he is going to grow up on us far too quickly and I want to keep him little and can't. But then I think about our amazing, God driven marriage, and know that he isn't going to leave us forever...yes, he will grow up...yes, a little girl will steal his heart away, lol, and yes, he may choose to move away in miles, BUT...he will ALWAYS be with us in our hearts and memories and those family get togethers that I will insist upon having as much as possible! *grin*  And more importantly than any of these things, which are Earthly, I pray each day that he accepts Jesus as his Savior, so that he may live an eternity with us in Heaven!  I can't wait for the day he gets saved, because then I know that we will truly be together "for all eternity!" I love you, sweetheart! I hope that you have a wonderful Father's Day, because, you truly deserve it!  In my opinion, you must first be a strong follower of Christ and a Godly husband in order to be a good are both of these!  I praise God each day for you, and now for Noah, and can't wait to see how else He chooses to bless us!  Maybe even with another baby soon!  :-) HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!

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