Monday, June 7, 2010

Slim-Fast Day One

     I am starting the Slim Fast 2-3-1 diet today and I'm praying it goes well. :-)  If I follow it correctly I should be able to lose 8-10 lbs a month so I only need to be on it for 2 months at most to get down to my goal weight!  I will update occasionally noting my likes and dislikes about the plan, how much weight I'm losing, etc. I know several of my friends have asked me to keep them updated because they're considering doing it, this is for ya'll specifically for for anyone else who might be considering it.
    On day one, here are the things I LOVE about the plan....I get to drink 2 chocolate (or whatever flavor you prefer; I think they also have strawberry, vanilla, dark chocolate, etc.) milks each day (or opt for the meal bars), and what woman doesn't LOVE chocolate?!  I get to have 3 snacks consisting of fruits, veggies, or the slimfast snack bars, and 1 healthy meal a day....which should be around 500 calories. The plan guarantees weight loss of 2 lbs a week and more if you add in exercise, which i plan to do. Another thing I like is that I can eat my big meal of the day for breakfast, lunch or dinner, so I can really go with what I'm craving for the day.
     The things I'm unsure about are that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my food, so having to downgrade to one meal a day is going to be rough. Grant it, the shakes do fill me up so I don't feel really hungry and the frequent snacking is very helpful. I know that too much of a good thing can eventually become a bad thing, so I'm hoping I don't develop a dislike of chocolate milk/shakes. But, all in all, I am very excited about this and I am praying that the Lord gives me the strength and patience that I need to follow through with it! *smile*
     Also, as a final note, I'm trying SUPER hard to lose this baby fat from my pregnancy....and my belly fat is such an eyesore; especially with bikini season coming up. If anyone has any good exercises for losing the tummy, that would be awesome! :-) I've been doing situps and a few crunches but they just don't seem to be working. Grant it, I only do them a couple of times a week so I probably need to step that up. :-) Just figured I'd ask incase I was missing something I didn't know!  Thanks my lovely blog readers! 


  1. I meant the 3-2-1 diet, lol. I'm so scatterbrained today...that's what happens when your 4 months old wakes you up before 6am! *grin*

  2. Let me know how it goes...I've been thinking about it, too. You still have room for coffee, right? :)

  3. Of course..I ALWAYS have room for or no diet! *grin* We can't wait to see you! And I'm really looking forward to meeting some of the people in your youth class.

  4. We'll be the old foggies. Our teacher is 28, married with a 3 yr old and is pregnant again, but other than her, the others are about to start their 2nd & 3rd years of college. Having you there will make me feel better. :)
