Saturday, January 15, 2011

Down in the Dumps

     So, we had to take Noah back to the doctor again this morning. He woke up screaming and wouldn't matter what we did. Turns out, he has an extremely bad sore throat (but praise the Lord it's not strep) so we are doing what we can to get him to eat and get him to feeling back to his old self. I'm just so absolutely exhausted, worried, and stressed. I am so thankful my Mom came over to help out today...and Caleb watched Noah (who slept for 3 hours) while Mom and I did grocery shopping. It was nice getting out of the house for a while to somewhere other than a doctor's office. *sighs*  I am just really hoping and praying life gets back to normal soon. This will be the fourth night in a row we haven't gotten any sleep, I'm having more contractions by the day, and I'm just so completely not myself. I'm so ready for Haleigh to be here and I've still got 2-3 months to go...I feel like just breaking down, but I feel so obligated to stay strong for my family. :-(  I always try to keep my blog posts positive but I just can't today...I can't put a positive spin on this no matter how hard I try. I'm sad, worried, down and until my sweet little boy feels better and I get some adequate sleep, I'm going to have trouble continuing to stay positive. Please say a prayer for us if you think of it...we all really need it right now. God bless you all.


  1. Praying for you all.praying that your glucose test comes back within normal litmus as well.God bless!

  2. Thanks so much! We appreciate the prayers. :-)
