Monday, January 3, 2011

The Love Dare

    I am so excited because Caleb and I are finally starting the book tonight. We were supposed to start on January 1, but because of crazy schedules and everything, we pushed everything until the start of the week. I already feel like Caleb and I have such a loving marriage, but I want to continue to put God at the center of it. I know that with this journey we are about to embark on, it will bring us close not only to each other, but also to the Lord. Please pray for us as we make this special attempt at continuing to serve and love God and growing our love for  each other. Good night everyone!


  1. It's the book inspired by the movie Fire Proof. It's a yearly devotional study for couples which provides a weekly "dare" (ex: choose a way to show honor and respect to your spouse this week) to help couples not only grow love in their marriage, but also strengthen their walks with Christ.
